Rainy Day Activity: Scrapbooking

I have been asked several times during my last two years of living in Vancouver, “Do you still notice the rain?” YES, it rains quite often in Vancouver and I do notice it, because I grew up seeing the sun quite often (even when it rains).  I believe it rained 22 days straight in November (2009). During the work week, I don’t notice the greyness outside, because I’m usually busy and it doesn’t bother me. However, outside of work, I can’t help but to notice the weather. I’ve decided to start a series of Rainy Day Activities: things to do when it’s raining and/or it’s a gloomy day.

Scrapbooking ~

I recently created two scrapbooks for my older sisters, which were given to them as Christmas gifts. I took so many pictures of my nieces  during their first two years and I wanted to give my sisters something to help them remember their daughters’ newborn and infant years.  It is a very meaningful gift, because our generation lives in a digital world, where we share memories primarily through online photo albums.

Yes, scrapbooking can get very expensive – especially when you walk into Michael’s and you want to buy every decoration and all the nice paper. You don’t have to spend that much to be satisfied with your finished product, you can do Scrapbooking on a budget. To get started:


  • Print a wide selection of pictures – I use www.walmartphotocentre.com and they usually have discounts for large volumes.
  • Paper Cuter – Get a standard size, not the small ones.
  • Card Stock Paper (black/white/beige)
  • Acid Free Glue – I used two kinds: a glue stick and liquid glue.
  • Some sort of colourful paper


  • Stamps, a great way to decorate pages for a low cost.
  • Constantly collect small embellishments (magazine cutouts, buttons, promotional mailings, etc.).
  • Dollar stores also have a wide range of items: wrapping paper, toys, stickers, and many items you can use for decoration.

More Information? http://scrapbookingdirections.com // http://www.makingmemorieswithscrapbooking.com // http://scrapbooking.com/

Recommended: The Amazing Page: 650 Scrapbook Page Ideas, Tips and Techniques

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